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A winter wonderland within your grasp!

Vanessa’s tips for Winter
By Vanessa Ascencao, Nutritional consultant (www.ecodiet.co.za)

As the temperature drops and dark days descend, winter can affect us all emotionally and physically…but it doesn’t have to be that way! Here are my tips for a supercharged healthy winter!

SAD (seasonal affective disorder) affects some 25 million people world-wide, mostly women. The lack of sunlight results in less serotonin, the mood-enhancing chemical responsible for controlling hunger and feelings of well-being. Low serotonin levels can lead to feelings of depression, change in appetite, shift in sleep patterns, irritability and so on. A lack of vitamin D, which relies on sunlight on the skin, also contributes to low serotonin. So, combine exercise with exposure to sunlight to feel great.

How to boost immunity & serotonin levels:
Give some love:
Researchers have confirmed that joy and laughter trigger the release of chemicals in the brain that enhance your immune function, protecting you from invading germs. Start by stroking your pet for an immune-boost. Studies show that this causes an increase in secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), your body’s natural antibody against colds and flu. No pet? Don’t fret! Studies have also found that simply touching a loved one affectionately causes a similar benefit.

Supercharge your system with Spirulina! There is nothing like it!
Studies show Spirulina stimulates immunity which helps fight colds and flu and Marcus Rohrer Spirulina®is a powerful tonic for the immune system. Studies show that Spirulina actually enhances the body’s ability to generate new blood cells which fight bacteria and protect your body. So, support your immune system with Marcus Rohrer Spirulina®, a powerful, tried and tested 100% nature-based multi-nutrient, backed by scientific research.
Marcus Rohrer Spirulina® is also used to boost energy and stamina and help detox the body. It is quite simply the most powerful multi-nutrient nature has to offer.

Your R&R time! Make time for you!
Studies show that your immune system function drops by an average of 60% after just three nights of poor sleep, so be sure your are getting plenty of quality rest – aim for eight hours a night. Carve out some time in your schedule for relaxation and control stress with meditation, and exercise.

Out and about! Get Moving!
Physical activity is essential for a strong, healthy immune system and to elevate mood; find a fun activity that gets your heart pumping three to five times a week. Go to gym, take a brisk walk or dance to your favourite tunes.

Diet Check!To ensure you get plenty of immune-boosting nutrients, eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Eat what you can raw, and lightly steam the rest. Avoid frying as this introduces harmful free-radicals that increase your toxic load. Avoid processed foods, refined grains and sugar. Choose whole foods and whole grains.
LAUGH!!! Watch a funny movie or go out with a fun friend. Lift your spirits through a good book or a warm bubble bath by candlelight.
The fit, fighting immune diet
Take in sufficient protein and eat the right kinds of fats. Diets high in saturated or hydrogenated fat suppress immunity and clog up the system. Essential fats – found in oily fish, nuts and seeds – boost immune function.
Five easy tips to start now!
  1. Avoid sugar
  2. Load up on fruit and veg
  3.  Add some ginger and garlic to your food
  4. Have a healthy warm breakfast such as rolled oats with seeds and berries, or rye with a boiled egg!
  5. Take Spirulina. Its scientifically proven to have immune boosting properties

Every day can be a good day!

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